Resources iconResources

This page will list commonly used resources that will help you get the best out of Ingress! If you have a suggestion for this list join the Ingress.Plus chat on Telegram or edit this site via GitHub and create a pull request!

Table of contents:

Website iconWebsites

  • Ingress.Plus
    • The very website you are already on :)
  • Ingress
    • The official Websites of Ingress, includes
      • News & Events
        • The main place to get game news
      • Intel Map
        • Use the Intel map to see the status of Portals, Links and Fields globally
      • Support
        • Read through the knowledge base or open a support ticket
      • Mission Creator
        • Create Missions that Agents can play once they have been approved
      • YouTube
        • YouTube Channel which receives new videos from time to time
  • Niantic Wayfarer
    • Review and edit your Portal Submission before they go into voting
    • Review other submissions and earn points towards your Recon medal in Ingress
    • Script to allow plugins for the Intel Map
    • Works for Desktop, Android and iOS
  • Bannergress
    • Lists and searches through Mission banners submitted by Agents
    • Map can also be used to see which banners are around you
  • OpenBanners
    • Alternative, open-source front-end for Bannergress's back-end
  • FevGames
  • Ingress Biocards
    • Database of Biocards and Swag, both official and unofficial
    • Also has a handy guide to check which Biocard gives what medal
  • Mission Banner Cropper
    • Crops and splits images so that they can be used as a banner
    • Defacto successor of this Mission Banner Cropper as it hasn't been updated in a while
  • Unofficial Wayfarer Tools
    • A collection of tools designed to make Wayfarer better
  • Mission Day Sites
    • Lists all upcoming Mission Day events and their details
  • The Glyphtionary
    • Searchable database of every known Glyph, be it in the game or story only

Telegram iconTelegram


You can find the Telegram channels and group for our own site here! Click here to join them all at once.

News channels

This section lists channels that you can follow to receive news and updates about Ingress.


This section lists crossfaction groups with different purposes that you can join.

Other channels

This section is for channels on Telegram that don't fall under news directly.


This section lists Telegram bots that are great to have in your repertoire.

Note: “Inline” bots can be used in any chat by typing the username of the bot at the beginning of a message. Some bots work inline only.